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Common sense of blood collection in vacuum blood collection

2020-07-03 16:31:39

Common sense of blood collection in vacuum blood collection

1、 Preparation of patients for blood test items test patients, generally require fasting for 12-14 hours before blood collection, avoid eating high-fat, high protein food and alcohol the day before blood collection. Otherwise, the results of blood lipid and some serum enzymes will be increased, and even the serum will be turbid, which will affect the whole test results; patients with glucose tolerance test should be given an appropriate amount of carbon water chemical diet three days before the test, which is conducive to obtaining correct results.

2、 Blood sampling time blood biochemical test generally requires fasting and quiet blood collection in the morning.

3、 The position of blood collection: the elbow vein is usually taken from adults, and carpal dorsal vein can be used for obese people; neck vein, femoral artery or anterior fontanel vein sinus are commonly used for infants; umbilical cord blood can be collected for newborn infants; blood gas analysis is generally used for blood gas analysis Pulse blood; when the test only needs a small amount of whole blood, adults take blood from earlobe or fingertip, and infants take blood from big toe or heel; transfusion patients should avoid taking blood from upper limbs or lower limbs on the same side of infusion, and burn patients should avoid puncturing inflammation or edema to avoid affecting the results.


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